Pengikut Setia

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Fasa pertama :: 90 Degree Law


Kod komeng telah kembali dengan bahagian kedua yang lebih menerujakan.

Kod komeng peringakat pertama mengandungi 4 Law seperti yang hamba dedahkan sebelum ini. Dalam pencoretan hamba kali ini hamba akan mengkupas dengan tajam law-law bersabitan.


Hamba pasti jika disebut ungkapan 90 degree, sudah semestinya rakyat sekalian mengerti akan maksudnya. Tapi pernahkah rakyat sekalian terfikir ungkapan ini boleh mendatangkan suatu perasaan untuk ketawa berdekah-dekah. Law of 90 degree mengikut penceritaan KOD KOMENG ialah satu perbuatan yang dilakukan oleh sesuatu makhluk dengan menggunakan kepala beliau. Perbuatan ini dilakukan melalui 6 langkah yang mudah sahaja.

1. Kepala diluruskan ke hadapan.

2. Kepala kemudian diputarkan ke kanan sehingga mencapai tahap 90 darjah.

(peringatan: mesti dilakukan dengan sepantas mungkin kira-kira 1 darjah sedetik)

3. Kepala kemudian diputarkan semula ke hadapan desertai juga bersama peringkatan di atas.

4. Langkah kedua diulang tetapi ke sebelah kiri pula.

5. Langkah ketiga pula diulang.

6. Akhir sekali, muka seperti mahu meneran ditunjukkan.

Maka dengan itu sempurnala suatu perbuatan yang diberi nama 90 Degree Law. Law ini berlaku tidak mengira tempat dan masa. Kebiasaannya law ini dilakukan oleh si pelaku apabila menghadapi situasi2 berikut:

a. Sedang berada di atas jalan dan mahu menukar lane walhal cermin sisi yang begitu besar ada dikedua-dua belah kenderaan.

b. Sedang berada dalam kenderaan tetiba ternampak sorang dua awek yang disangka cun walhal pecah rumah je.

c. Sedang gumbira tetiba terasa ingin mencuri motosikal walhal tuan moto 2 kat depan bangunan dalam jarak 10 meter je.

d. Sedang boring-boring dan merasa kelenguhan tengkuk.

Kuala Lumpur terang cahaya,

Menanti terbit bulan purnama,

Pabila tuan selesai membaca,

Diharap menghulur komen sebarang dua..

Nantikan edisi seterusnya........

Salam si penglipur lara!!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Best Hand of Texas Hold'Em Poker

Standard five-card Poker hands are ranked here in order of strength, from the strongest Poker hand to the weakest.

Royal Flush
This is the best possible hand in standard five-card Poker. Ace, King, Queen, Jack and 10, all of the same suit.

Straight Flush
Any five-card sequence in the same suit (e.g.: 8, 9, 10, Jack and Queen of clubs; or 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of diamonds).

Four of a Kind
All four cards of the same value (e.g.: 8, 8, 8, 8; or Queen, Queen, Queen, Queen).

Full House
Three of a kind combined with a pair (e.g.: 10, 10, 10 with 6, 6; or King, King, King with 5, 5).

Any five cards of the same suit, but not in sequence (e.g.: 4, 5, 7, 10 and King of spades).

Five cards in sequence, but not in the same suit (e.g.: 7 of clubs, 8 of clubs, 9 of diamonds, 10 of spades and Jack of diamonds).

Three of a Kind
Three cards of the same value (e.g.: 3, 3, 3; or Jack, Jack, Jack).

Two Pair
Two separate pairs (e.g.: 2, 2, Queen, Queen).

Two cards of the same value (e.g.: 7, 7).

High Card
If a Poker hand contains none of the above combinations, it's valued by the highest card in it.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Komeng Kod

Definisi Komeng Kod.

Komeng kod adalah gabungan 2 perkataan yang mempunyai makna yang tersendiri. Komeng dari segi bahasa bermaksud durjana. Sepertimana yang kita sedia maklum, terdapat watak Komeng dalam sebuah filem yang bertajuk “Nasib DoReMi” di mana Komeng merupakan seorang ketua penyamun yang durjana.

Kod pula bermaksud isyarat, perbuatan dan macam lagi la ikut kesesuaian dan kesedapan anda sendiri.

Gabungan kedua-dua perkataan nie telah memberi makna ‘perbuatan2 yang melampaui batasan kewarasan akal fikiran yang dilakukan oleh seseorang yang kurang disenangi oleh masyarakat setempat dan menjadi bahan gelak ketawa’.

Sejarah Kemunculan.

Penemuan kod ini berlaku sekitar abad ke-21. Kalau hamba tidak silap dalam tahun 2010. Kod ini telah ditemukan oleh sekumpulan pujangga yang telah belayar dari seluruh pelusuk Mesia dan akhirnya bertemu di sebuah tempat yang digelar ‘Gunung Onak Mambu Bintara Anak Kalang’. Sungguh panjang nama tempat tu.

Sedang mereka sibuk berbual bicara sesama sendiri, muncul segerombolan makhluk aneh melepak di tempat mereka. Makhluk2 nie telah melakukan pelbagai perbuatan yang dirasakan agak tidak dapat diterima oleh perut2 dan mulut2 pujangga2 tu. Maka mereka pun bersepakat membawa berkat memutuskan Sang Rungga supaya mewartakan satu Kod supaya sesiapa yang melakukan Kod2 tu maka beliau boleh digelar dengan gelaran makhluk tu.

Pembongkaran Komeng Kod.

Kod yang amat bernilai nie akan di bongkarkan mengikut tahap kerana kod ini juga dicipta secara berperingkat-peringkat. Peringkat pertama kod ini mengandungi 4 law yang diberi nama “90 Degree Law”, “PHD Law”, “4 Flat Law” dan “2 Inchs Law”.

Untuk mengetahui kod2 nie dengan lebih lanjut diharap semua dapat bersabar...

Nantikan kemunculan KOMENG KOD fasa pertama...

Salam penglipur lara..

Friday, March 19, 2010

Rules of Texas Hold'Em Poker (KOMENG Version)

Texas Hold 'Em (or Texas Holdem) is the primary version of Poker played in many casinos, including Casino U BLOCK A.

These are the basic rules for Texas Hold 'Em Poker by KOMENG version and can only be played in casino U BLOCK A.

The Shuffle, The Deal and The Blinds

The dealer shuffles a standard 52-card deck.
(In casinos, the dealer is allowed to play. There is no a round disc which is known as a "dealer button" .

Most Texas Hold 'Em Poker games start with the two players to the left of the dealer (the button) putting a predetermined amount of money into the pot before any cards are dealt, ensuring that there's something to play for on every hand. This is called "posting the blinds". In KOMENG version there is no “posting the blinds”.

Each player is dealt two cards, face down. These are known as the "hole cards". The first card is given to dealer. The dealer will start betting and followed by another players with the clockwise direction.

The Flop
After the first betting round, the dealer discards the top card of the deck. This is called burning the card and is done to ensure that no one accidentally saw the top card, and to help prevent cheating.

The dealer then flips the next three cards face up on the table. These cards are called the "flop."

NOTE: Eventually, a total of five community cards will be placed face up on the table. Players can use any combination of the community cards and their own two hole cards to form the best possible five-card Poker hand.

After the flop, another round of betting takes place, beginning with the dealer again. During this and all future rounds of betting, players can check, call, raise, or fold when it's their turn to bet.

Fourth Street
The dealer burns another card and plays one more face up onto the table. This, the fourth community card, is called the "turn" or "Fourth Street."

The player to the left of the dealer begins the third round of betting.

Fifth Street
The dealer burns another card before placing the final face-up card on the table. This card is called the "river" or "Fifth Street."

Final Betting and The Winner
Players can now use any combination of seven cards -- the five community cards and the two hole cards known only to them -- to form the best possible five-card Poker hand.

The fourth and final round of betting starts with the player to the left of the dealer.

After the final betting round, all players who remain in the game reveal their hands. The player who made the initial bet or the player who made the last raise shows their hand first.

The player with the best hand wins.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Welcoming Note For Friends

Welcome to all partners.

This blog was created with aims to share joy and sorrow between us.
With the establishment of this blog, hope all friends will all go through the coming days with happiness.

I welcome anyone who has brilliant ideas to share with all friends who become readers of this blog and all your comment is appreciated.

Thank you ...